Product Prices


Our Greeting Card Prices vary depending on the size of the card:

                                               -Traditional Size Card: €2.75 (deals available)
                                               - Tag: €1.00
                                               - Bookmark: €1.50
                                               - Laminated Bookmark: €2.00

The prices above do not include shipping costs, which depend on the country of delivery.
To enquire about shipping costs and methods please contact us.

For deals and discounts please enquire with us via phone or email.

Our Clay Creations' Prices vary from piece to piece, depending on size and complexity of the piece. All Clay Creations are Hand Made, thus they are Unique Pieces.

Clay Creations are usually within 1cm and 5cm in size (with few exceptions) and their price range is mainly between €2.00 and €10.00 + shipping costs.
Please enquire with us for prices, postage and sizes.


  1. Salut Lucia,

    Toutes tes oeuvres sont très bonnes!

    Je suis très heureuse de te connaître, je vais commander quelque chose bientôt.

    Ana (AFLyon)

    1. Salut Ana! Merci beacoup for ton message! A demain!!!
