Comic Strips -

Since I started drawing something recognisable, I think around the age of 4, after going through a period of deep sperimentation on how to perfectly portray bunny shaped baloons :) , I've always been drawing stories. So my love for Comics strips was always there. 
Here are some of mine. 

for the complete collection of strips go to

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Thomas was my first continuative and decent level strip series. I've created it in 1999 and kept going with it more or less all the time until 2005. 

Thomas 27

Thomas in Scotland

Thomas 01

Thomas 32

Thomas 33

Thomas 34

Thomas 35

Thomas 36

In 2016, I've finally decided to start working at some comics projects I had in mind for a while, one of these was to create a series on being a tour guide (which is my job). I have a lot of stories and anecdotes, but I thought it would be nicer to involve my collegues as well and make it a communal project. The response was pretty good and I'm getting loads of funny stories. The project is still under way, but hope to have about 60 strips done before the end of 2017.

Admirers 1

Admirers 2

Headless Rosie 1

Headless Rosie 2

Admirers 3

Reckless Mary 1

Reckless Mary 2

Another of my 2016's projects was to create a series of strips on "an emigrated Italian going back home", obviously inspired to my own experience as well. After a while abroad one can find some of his own country's beahaviors odd, irritaring or simply wonderful. Going back means feeling estranged, but also finding again all the things that you have deeply missed... like Mum's cooking for example. 
N.B: These strips are in Italian.

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